Getting started
Connect Wallet
Supported Wallets: Keplr, Leap, Cosmostation and others.
Network Setup: Ensure your wallet is configured for Nibiru.
Balances: Ensure you have the correct tokens to use as collateral and gas. Valid collateral will be announced soon.
If you need help connecting or bridging assets, see Nibiru's bridging guide.
Choosing a Market
You can trade on various markets (e.g., BTC/USD, ETH/USD, etc.).
Open the DApp and go to Trade.
Select your Market from the dropdown (e.g., BTC-PERP).
Check the displayed Oracle Price to see the current quote.
Understanding Collateral & Leverage
Collateral is the margin (in tokens) you deposit to open a leveraged position.
Leverage multiplies your position size relative to your collateral.
Higher leverage boosts potential profits and risks (liquidation becomes more likely).
For a deeper intro, see Leverage and Collateral details.
Last updated